Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 4 Free Thought

As we near the end of our studies I have began to think of "what will I do next?". We have spent the past year really focused on learning, creating, researching and informing ourselves about technology and how it applies to our own personal learning environment. Realizing that we will all go our own separate ways and continue to grow leaves me with a bit of sadness.

It will be interesting to see how many of us stay in contact with one another through the years, if at all. I am hoping to continue communicating with my classmates and continuing the learning process and exchange of information with regards to our own personal learning environments.
This experience has been really gratifying and enlightening. My views and perceptions about my learning environment have changed as well. I have come to the conclusion that I will commit myself to becoming part of the solution in attaining higher levels of achievement and merit.
My experiences at Full Sail University will enable me to continue to learn and promote the use of technology in my content area. It is sad that it must come to an end.

1 comment:

  1. As a fellow online masters graduate I can say that you will be tremendously surprised and how closely you will continue to interact with the friends you've made online over this past year. i count it as one of the unexpected blessings of my life to have the online friends from our journey together.
