Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 3 Communication - Shahenaz Week 3 Reading: To Be Or Not To Be...

Shahe stated:

Mistakes are a part of life. If we did not make them, then how would we learn? We need to accept the fact that no one is perfect despite our efforts to be and that’s ok. Accepting things for the way they are is the first step to making a difference. Passion is what motivates us to achieving our goals or making changes for the better. I absolutely love the concept of enrollment. We are all leaders and we each bring a unique element to the table. In order to grow, we need to welcome others into the circle and unite as one. I do think that if people disagree with a certain something that it should be acceptable, but at the same time, I believe there is a proper and respectful way of saying that something is not for you. As humans, we are entitled to our own thoughts, but it is up to us to share it appropriately with the world. It’s like Shakespeare wrote, “To be, or not to be, that is the question”. It is up to us to make the decision on what we do with the things we face in life and it is up to us to decide if we want to invite others so they too can partake on the journey.

@ Shahe

I agree with you about your thoughts, our journey in life is filled with interacting with people and individuals that posses a wide array of personalities. Having the ability to make a difference and decide for yourself that you will make that difference is the reward that I get when my students decide to make the right decisions and become successful students.

Blog Title: Wk 3-Reading To Be or Not To Be...
Blogger: Shahenaz
Retrieved on December 11, 2010

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