Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wk4 Publishing_Leadership Project

In my attempts to conclude my action research, Mainstreaming in a Collaborative Setting has proven to be in need at my prospective campus. The reason for my two choices with regards to presenting and publishing reflect the audience at which I would like to support and target.
I feel that the content of my action research will help support the idea of Mainstreaming in a Collaborative Setting.
Mainstreaming technology in every aspect of the learning environment is the projected goal of future educational settings. Current standings of educational environments lack technological support and advancements of cutting edge platforms and there availability to teachers and students. The intent of my action research will reveal the need to improve collaboration between administration and teachers. The goal of my research is to help support the implementation of new technologies and advance the current platforms that are set in place so as to increase collaboration between constituents within the learning environment.

The current project can be viewed at the following link listed below:

Journal potentially submitting to:

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

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