I find it intriguing, this relationship between the conductor and his symphony. The relationship
to the real world environment and the manner in which we interact with all members of our social network, our families, our students. The list can become a lengthy list. Viewing from an outside perspective I began to reflect and put myself in the place of the conductor. How do my habits of instruction, interaction and over all character affect those around me.
As I read through chapters 4-6 I began to visualize and reflect the methods of persuasion that I have had to use in the classroom setting. Like the symphony each individual is affected by my place in the classroom as an instructor. How as an instructor am I to reach levels of accomplishment along with my students, my symphony?
In the production realm or rather in the fine arts realm it was very important to receive feedback about our works in college. Hearing the thoughts and perceptions of others as to the work produced is an important part in becoming a holistic artist. Being able to take criticism from others and use that information to grow upon has been a big part of my life. As an artist you develop your craft and create so that others may appreciate your ideas and thoughts. Allowing others to complete that blank white sheet of paper and give you feedback will provide an avenue of self discovery through the eyes of another.
As we returned from the Thanksgiving break I reflected upon what was going on in my classroom. I began to think of things that maybe I needed to change so that the students would become a bit more engaged and challenged. In the beginning of the year I begin to work with students in developing their skills. Drawing challenges and exercises with regards to eye hand coordination and visual perception are used so as to sharpen and fine tune skills.
Filling out that white paper on my own based on what I had reflected upon is what made the changes in my room. My focus has really come upon the idea that my students need more in depth step by step instruction in the development of basic drawing skills.
As an instructor or conductor, it is up to me to challenge my students and engage them in a positive manner so as to create interest and increase their own potential merely by guiding them through the process of creating a master piece such as a symphonic melody.
Ricardo--thanks for sharing this post! Though I don't teach in a traditional classroom you (and others in our cohort) continually inspire me. I have young children in school and I have to say it is one of my greatest hopes that they encounter teachers such as yourself. So few instructors take the time to go through the type of reflection you described in this post. THANK YOU!