Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wk4 Publishing_Leadership Project

In my attempts to conclude my action research, Mainstreaming in a Collaborative Setting has proven to be in need at my prospective campus. The reason for my two choices with regards to presenting and publishing reflect the audience at which I would like to support and target.
I feel that the content of my action research will help support the idea of Mainstreaming in a Collaborative Setting.
Mainstreaming technology in every aspect of the learning environment is the projected goal of future educational settings. Current standings of educational environments lack technological support and advancements of cutting edge platforms and there availability to teachers and students. The intent of my action research will reveal the need to improve collaboration between administration and teachers. The goal of my research is to help support the implementation of new technologies and advance the current platforms that are set in place so as to increase collaboration between constituents within the learning environment.

The current project can be viewed at the following link listed below:

Journal potentially submitting to:

Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

Journal of Computing in Higher Education

Week 4 Comment to Cherie Park

Cherie stated,

I love how the author took the blame for the mistake during a performance. I had a professor in college who when the class did poorly on a test tell us, "I am sorry. I must not have taught this particular curriculum well. I will reteach it and again, my apologies." That has stuck with me through the years and I have had to say that to my students. It is important to not place blame on everyone else but to accept some of it as your own. It is not us (teachers) vs them (students), it is we as a class and we as a school. So I will try to be the whole board, not just a game piece.

Ricardo said...

It is really amazing when you have to say to yourself that I am to blame for the situation that we are in. This is a reflection that I at times make of myself and the current intensity of my students. What is it that motivates my class to achieve more that what is expected. As we returned from the Thanksgiving break I reflected upon what I needed to do to make my students more interested in the skills that we were attempting to develop. The answer that I came up with was the fact that I needed to have more in depth lessons with regards to actual drawing. My students are just learning how to create and sketch. Finding faults in my attempts to teach have done wonders for my adaptation and correction.

Blogger: Cherie Park
Topic: Week 4. Reading Chpt.10-12

Week 4 Comment to Renee Barber

Renee stated,

This chapter really had me thinking in a different way by contemplating "how did I get on this board?" So many times we are ready to put up our defense or attack when things don't go quite the way that we think they should. By taking time to analyze all aspects of a situation, we are able to have better attitude and see the whole picture and not just our own. The conductor could have easily been upset and angry at the musician for leaving his orchestra. Instead, he took the "why I give myself an A" approach and was able to communicate to the musician how much she meant to the group, how he respected her and that she would be missed. This was a great way for him to build a strong relationship with the musician and peace within himself.


I agree with you on the fact that we at times react in a capacity that might require us to take a look back from the outside in. When you have been in the trenches for a while there come instances where projects and or specific outcomes may not present themselves as first imagined when beginning the project or duty. Recognizing and reflecting on our own contributions may reflect the solution to possible shortcomings we may have encountered.
What this reading taught me is take rule number 6 into effect and always try to remain ethically composed when dealing with findings or end results.

Blogger: Renee Barber
Topic: Wk 4. Chapter Reading 10-12

Week 4 Reading Chpt 10-12

The similarities in the reading as compared to my own personal learning environment are especially close. This "downward spiral" as mentioned in chapter nine offers a glimpse into the problems we may face as part of our school setting. Depending on our population of students we can determine certain characteristics that will enable us to make decisions based on student actions. As we move on to Chapter 10 we are introduced to the idea that we must take hold of what goes on in our lives as if it were a "Chess Board".
If at any time you have involved yourself in a game of chess you have an understanding that every move is precisely thought out. If we apply those same decision making processes or thoughts may we improve our working environment. The action of a move on a chess board is thought out with the consequence of that action. One must be aware of every aspect of the game and respond accordingly depending on the situation.
Being able to react to certain situations in our learning environments has accustomed us to being tactful in our proceedings. There are certain areas of protocol that must be followed in order to proceed forward. Using the analogy of life or rather our work environment being like a chess board we must think out our moves before actually committing to them.
Contrary to following such a thought out process we fall upon a time when you may decide to go ahead with a risky move and then wait for the consequences to follow. As educators we are risk takers and at times we are moved to work at providing the best for our students no matter what the cost. I find that this part of the book was very interesting and motivating it has given me a different point of view when deciding on issues or arriving at conclusions.

Week 4 Free Thought

As we near the end of our studies I have began to think of "what will I do next?". We have spent the past year really focused on learning, creating, researching and informing ourselves about technology and how it applies to our own personal learning environment. Realizing that we will all go our own separate ways and continue to grow leaves me with a bit of sadness.

It will be interesting to see how many of us stay in contact with one another through the years, if at all. I am hoping to continue communicating with my classmates and continuing the learning process and exchange of information with regards to our own personal learning environments.
This experience has been really gratifying and enlightening. My views and perceptions about my learning environment have changed as well. I have come to the conclusion that I will commit myself to becoming part of the solution in attaining higher levels of achievement and merit.
My experiences at Full Sail University will enable me to continue to learn and promote the use of technology in my content area. It is sad that it must come to an end.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week Three Free Thought

With as much that has been going on with school I am finding myself getting away from staying focused on the prize. My attempts to manage and keep the work flow going need to be thought of with more intensity. Our journey in our education and the experiences we learn during the process are important and make up a large part of our teaching knowledge. Managing those skills and applying them to the real world setting is the goal of my next few weeks.

Week 3 Communication - Shahenaz Week 3 Reading: To Be Or Not To Be...

Shahe stated:

Mistakes are a part of life. If we did not make them, then how would we learn? We need to accept the fact that no one is perfect despite our efforts to be and that’s ok. Accepting things for the way they are is the first step to making a difference. Passion is what motivates us to achieving our goals or making changes for the better. I absolutely love the concept of enrollment. We are all leaders and we each bring a unique element to the table. In order to grow, we need to welcome others into the circle and unite as one. I do think that if people disagree with a certain something that it should be acceptable, but at the same time, I believe there is a proper and respectful way of saying that something is not for you. As humans, we are entitled to our own thoughts, but it is up to us to share it appropriately with the world. It’s like Shakespeare wrote, “To be, or not to be, that is the question”. It is up to us to make the decision on what we do with the things we face in life and it is up to us to decide if we want to invite others so they too can partake on the journey.

@ Shahe

I agree with you about your thoughts, our journey in life is filled with interacting with people and individuals that posses a wide array of personalities. Having the ability to make a difference and decide for yourself that you will make that difference is the reward that I get when my students decide to make the right decisions and become successful students.

Blog Title: Wk 3-Reading To Be or Not To Be...
Blogger: Shahenaz
Retrieved on December 11, 2010